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Split / Stretch Earlobe Repairs

Earlobes which have been stretched, torn or split can be repaired surgically.

Area Of Speciality
Head, Face & Neck

Split / Stretch Earlobe Repairs

Split or stretched earlobes are a commonly seen problem due to the unsightly appearance in an area of the body which is always on display. A split earlobe diagnosis may also be attributed to earlobes which have not split but elongated over time. Split or elongated earlobes may be due to a variety of causes:

  • Trauma
  • Prolonged use of heavy earrings
  • Following use of disc earrings
  • Genetically weak ear lobes

Often, in cases where the use of heavy earrings has contributed to split or elongated ear lobes these individuals may have had a weak ear lobe prior to their use. Common causes of trauma to the ear lobe include snagging earrings on others clothing as well as trauma through contact sports such as rugby or combat sports.

Earlobes which have been stretched, torn or split can be repaired surgically.

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